Friday, September 12, 2008

Femilinks, We're Not Dead Edition!

"Whoops, I am a lady on the Internet. My bad."
-Kate Beaton, Cartoonist, Troublemaker

If you're reading this, there's a good chance we didn't die when they activated the Large Hadron Collider. Presumably, as I write this a large rift in time and space is not opening, thus preventing a host of alien creatures from propagating in Earth's soil. If that were not the case, I pray for a few MIT-trained physicists with crowbars to save us.

Also, Femilinking isn't dead! Don't be silly, o readers. All five of you. I've just been away for a while. Onwards!

Radical Masculinity
- A feminist-informed blog about re-evaluating masculinity. It's trans-friendly, sex positive and anti-oppression. A great resource and I hope it keeps going for a long time!

Femmes of Power Review (@ The F Word reviews) - Milly reviews Femmes of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities. In this book, Lagrace Volcano and Ulrika Dahl mix photographs of femme queer people with third-wave discussions of gender and queerness.

Ewww! You got your other issues in my Feminism! (@ Feministe) - Latoya fields the common complaint "How is this a feminist issue?", with examples from her experience. She lays out why this is very silencing and disempowering to people whose oppression isn't just gender-based, but rather, works on an intersectional basis.

So, we all talk about "feminism" an awful lot... (@ I Shame the Matriarchy) - Antiprincess humorously tackles the quest for that elusive, 'pure' feminism.

Non-gendered recognition (@ The F Word blog) - Helen highlights Christie Elan-Cane's fight for the legal recognition of people who identify as neither gender. It's a call to action, so please read!

Shall we talk about Privilege? (@ Feministe) - Renee writes an insightful article on how to fruitfully acknowledge and challenge one's privilege, how it's not about guilt and shame but about hard work.

Cis Privilege Checklist (@ Taking Up Too Much Space) - Cedar presents a Cisgender/Cissexual privilege checklist. This follows the same format as the better-known White Privilege Checklist and Male Privilege Checklist, both of which are also worth a read. Incidentally, Cedar has written a stupendous essay called Beyond Inclusion, which is available for a small donation of 5 USD plus shipping. It deals with the debate about the inclusion of trans women in women-only spaces, and deconstructs it very skilfully. I thoroughly recommend it.

Transphobia and Medical Care
(@ Questioning Transphobia) - Queen Emily talks about transphobia she received when going for medical treatment, a frequent occurrence for trans people everywhere.

Stealth was a Mistake (@ TransGriot) - Monica debates the history of 'stealth' being pushed on trans people, and how this has not been beneficial to the community.

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