Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Femilinking, I'm off to Leeds for three days 25th of July edition

"I do wish your lot had the decency to shoot me."
-Countess Markievicz, Irish revolutionnary.

(I'm going to go back and add a quote and a description to each of the persons I've put up here. Also, apologies for delays in posting, stuff's been hectic).

Why film schools teach screenwriters not to pass the Bechdel Test (@ The Hathor Legacy) - A woman who studied screenwriting tells the story of why Hollywood is fighting tooth, nail and claw to keep film scripts as white, male and straight as possible.

Well, that was bound to happen (@ Feministe) - Holly dissects upcoming videogame Fat Princess, as well as taking on entitled misogyny and size-ism from the worst parts of the gaming community.

Time Magazine surveys women's rights and declares them a failure (@ Pandagon) - Wherein the fact that Time magazine glorifies sexual puritanism is discussed. And it gives me a headache. Sigh.

Tools for white guys who are working for social change and other people socialized in a society based on domination (@ Colours of Resistance) - This is an oldie but I dug it up this week looking for male feminist ally links. I first read it in the RAG gathering booklet. It's a great read for activists to be aware of class, gender, race and sexuality privileges.

Ashley Crawford: Post-Gender
(@ - An interview with tattoo and body modification artist Ashley Crawford, talking about her take on gender-based modifications and transcending social concepts of gender.

Transphobic tropes series (@ Questioning Transphobia) - A great series of articles about typical transphobic tropes from all ends of the spectrum. Emily analyses a number of issues:

"Really" a Man/Woman - About the trope of deception, and the idea that someone can never escape their biology. This tackles both the misogynist and essentialist-feminist perspectives.

Patriarchal privilege - Emily discusses how trans people are accused of having patriarchal privilege, ignoring the great lack of privilege that trans people must face in a great number of areas such as employment and housing.

Reifying gender - Here, Emily discusses the accusation from many theorists that transsexuals are simply sticking to the gender binary when we should all be defying it.

1 comment:

Eevoid said...

Ariel, I just found your blog! This is so great. Keep it up!