Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday femilinking, 01/07/08

"You rarely have [male superheroes] killed in ways that thrust their crotches forward and expose their asses through strategic rips in their super-undies."
Gail Simone, Comic Book Writer, Critic

(I should clarify, the people I highlight up here are going to be both historically relevant feminists as well as contemporary activists, writers and artists whom I deeply respect and have, at the very least, feminist elements in their work. With that in mind, let's get rolling.)

Now, the backlash (@ The Guardian's Gender section) - Kira Cochrane examines the growing backlash against feminism and its achievements for justice and equality. Cochrane explores the origins of the current backlash and why it's spreading, yet points out that hope for feminism is still quite high due to the many organisations active and public interest in it.

Why this queer isn't celebrating (@ Feministe) - Jack analyses the legalisation of same-sex marriage in California. The article focuses on how the current legislation marginalises relationships that are not deemed as 'acceptable', and ponders why some people seem to always get the last wagon in the equality train.

Countering defenses for offensive language (@ Girl-Wonder.org forums) - An interesting discussion on the rationalisations some people use to defend their use of offensive language.

Fourteen year-old girl in HSE care asks court for leave to have abortion (@ the Sunday Tribune, Ireland) - Closely mirroring last year's lamentable D case, yet another teenager in government care is forced to justify herself before a court to exercise her right to choose.

Black transwoman got beaten by cops and no-one cared (@ The Bilerico Project) - Report on the beating of a black transwoman in a police station in the States. Alex follows up with information on the aftermath.

Girlfriends, boyfriends and feminism (@ Hugo Schwyzer's blog) - Schwyzer looks at a reader's concern about introducing her male partner to feminism, and how in the end, actions, palpable everyday actions, are more important than words when confronting sexism as a man.

There's no good way to use 'fag' (@ Shakesville) - Melissa talks about how the word 'fag' is simply not acceptable as a pejorative term outside the queer community.

And finally, because I'm nothing but a comics geek, Cat and Girl talks about ideas and failure, in a comic which I think is relevant to us activists (as well as being cute and funny as per usual for C&G).

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